Celebrating Lester Brown’s 80th-Birthday
For the 80th birthday celebration for Lester brown, founder of the Worldwatch Institute and founder and President of the Earth Policy Institute, here’s what Felix Kramer wrote in the guest book.
For the 80th birthday celebration for Lester brown, founder of the Worldwatch Institute and founder and President of the Earth Policy Institute, here’s what Felix Kramer wrote in the guest book.
A for-profit idea; entrepreneur needed! Build a portal for the sharing economy, highlighting renewable and sustainable products and services. Partner with existing companies such as Getaround, RelayRides and Airbnb to offer electric cars, home stays in LEED/solar and other homes, vacation opportunities.
An Entertaining Community Project for the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond: residents contribute photos that artistically juxtapose scenes of renewable energy sources and the petroleum world
Create a service to notify hikers, photographers and others about a crystal-clear day: “Time to Enjoy the Crisp Air and Spectacular Views.” Combine fun early morning outings, public air quality measurement sites, and crowdsourced “citizen science” data collection. Begin with a Bay Area pilot.
In summer 2013 I visited the Millau Viaduct, which in 2004 replaced a traffic bottleneck on one of central France’s main highways with an amazing piece of design and engineering that’s become a tourist attraction. It was designed by Norman Foster, architect of so many beautiful green buildings. From a distance, it looks like an insect-like giant spaceship that landed… Read more →