OpEds, columns, articles, statements, testimony on climate change & clean energy by Felix Kramer since 2005. See also Wikipedia article. (Most significant/favorites are in bold.)
Even Smart People Are Still Arguing About Fossil-Free Electricity Triple Pundit, July 21, 2017 (with Rosana Francescato)
- Felix’s Letter: Updates on new climate projects & collaborators Beyond Cassandra, May 10, 2017
- LinkedIn Felix Kramer Postings starting September 26, 2014
- Who Will Issue The Galvanizing Call to Action We Need on Climate Change This Month? Truth-Out December 12, 2016
- Kramer: Climate change should be top tech topic with Trump San Jose Mercury News December 9, 2016 (in the comments section, I give my take on the outcome)
- Please Ask Tech Leaders Meeting Trump Wednesday to Say “Table All Changes on Climate Action!” Medium December
- Could You & Other MBAs Reach Trump on Climate’s Urgency? Medium December 1, 2016
- Pre-Launch: Can MBAs Reach Trump on Climate’s Urgency? Medium November 19, 2016
- The ClimateCongress Wikipedia Project: The next Congress & then 2018 Medium November 7, 2016 (with Mike Mielke)
- Three Weeks to Get Climate into Congressional Races Medium October 13, 2016 (with Mike Mielke)
- Wake-Up Calls on how fascism could come to America LinkedIn Pulse May 23, 2016
- We’re all in this together? Tell that to the big players at COP21 Salon December 11, 2015
- “Trade Trumps Climate” says Naomi Klein: Transcript BeyondCassandra December 11, 2015
- Saturday in Paris We’ll See the Climate Red Lines LinkedIn Pulse December 10, 2015
- At COP21, Elon Musk pushes for revenue-neutral carbon tax Citizens’ Climate Lobby Newsletter December 4, 2015
- Elon Musk’s WOW: What if Everyone at the Climate Summit Watches or Reads His Talk? Medium December 4, 2015
- New Breakthroughs, Yes + DEPLOY Renewables Faster LinkedIn Pulse November 30, 2015
- Now I want to be in Paris even more! Medium November 22, 2015
- Felix Kramer: Elon Musk can rescue the Paris Climate Summit San Jose Mercury-News November 5, 2015
- Climate leaders should work with oil companies to put a price on carbon The Guardian September 22, 2015 (with Hunter Lovins)
- Climate Clubs & Climate Year: Two Projects to Prototype in the SF Bay Area BeyondCassandra May 21, 2015
- Wanna change an oil exec’s mind on climate? Here’s how Grist April 3, 2015
- Climate Change: When It’s All in the Family Huffington Post April 3, 2015
- Climate Change: When It’s All in the Family Truth-Out March 31, 2015
- Kramer: Industry leaders need to get an earful from family Houston Chronicle March 27, 2015
- The most poweful wake-up call on fossil fuels just showed up in China LinkedIn Pulse March 6, 2015
- Did We Just Find a Cool Trillion Dollars for Green Energy Projects? Huffington Post, November 23, 2014 (with Daniel Kammen)
- How a single multinational corporation could light up the world The Guardian September 24, 2014 (with Daniel Kammen)
- Deal of the century: buyout the US coal industry The Guardian March 11, 2014 (with Gil Friend)
- Good And Green Reasons To Buy An Electric Car This Year Climate Progress March 14, 2013 (with Max Baumhefner)
- NY Times Dialogue on Human Violence Omits Climate Change Climate Progress January 14, 2012
- Our cup runneth over with plug-in hybrids Climate Progress January 17, 2011
- Bue-skying Petroleum’s Future Climate Progress October 2, 2010
- President Obama should create “Drive Star,” would cut oil use in half by 2020 Autoblog June 15, 2010
- Drive Star: We can cut oil use in half by 2020 Climate Progress June 13, 2010
- After years of persistent activism, an electric victory 350.org December 2010 (Bill McKibben intro)
- CalCars plug-in hybrid electric car campaign: Victory after 8+ years Climate Progress December 22, 2010 (Joe Romm intro)
- 2010’s Triumphs & Challenges for Plug-In Vehicles Climate Progress January 10, 2010 (Joe Romm intro)
- Climate and hydrogen car advocate gets almost everything wrong about plug-in cars Climate Progress October 6, 2009 (Joe Romm intro)
- Automotive Task Force consultants are plug-in hybrid electric vehicle skeptics Climate Progress April 15, 2009
- Everything you could want to know about the plug-in hybrid and electric vehicle announcements at the Detroit auto show Climate Progress January 14, 2009
- Testimony on Plug-In Hybrids at California Air Resources Board June 13, 2005
- Kyoto and Beyond Alternet February 14, 2005