A customizable flyer directed at people who are active in other causes, explaining why climate change isn’t “just one more issue,” and including links to key organizations and starting points. Send us your edits and we’ll send you a PDF. See links for Word and PDF versions of it too!
Q: What kind of person are you?
A: A smart, thoughtful, committed, fearless person!
We Invite You to
On Climate Change!
THANK YOU: For caring about your causes and for all you already do!
OUR CHALLENGE: Climate change isn’t just ”one more issue.” It’s on track to ruin
our lives. To protect civilization and our planet, we need to get off fossil fuels quickly. It‘s not too late to start. But it can‘t wait — delay means disaster!
ASAP: Please jump into sustainability, environmental justice, cleantech, and related organizations. You could start with:
350.org & 350BayArea.org
Beyond Coal & Beyond Oil campaigns at SierraClub.org
Environmental Entrepreneurs E2.org
Alliance for Climate Education Acespace.org
Want to know more? Some starting points for the seriousness & urgency of the crisis:
• Bill McKibben: ”Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math” (2012) and
”Fossil Fuel Resistance” (2013), both at RollingStone.com
• Naomi Klein: at NaomiKlein.org — her latest pieces, and click to find the
2011 Nation article, ”Capitalism and the Climate” she’s turning into a book
• David Roberts: ”Climate Hawk“ blogger at Grist.org
• Joe Romm at ClimateProgress.org: analysis, news, & links toreports on the New Math from the International Energy Agency, World Bank, Price Waterhouse Cooper
Felix Kramer, founder of CalCars.org & DrivingElectric.org,
starting multiple new initiatives on climate change.
info@beyondcassandra.org June 20, 2013